Taking Time in Between Travel Assignments
Being a travel clinician, you have the opportunity to pick time off and for how long you have it off for. Whether you are taking an extravagant getaway, arranging a long road trip, or having a vacation at home, some planning in advance is definitely needed. Burnout is starting to become a large issue within the healthcare industry. Being a travel clinician permits you to give yourself some love and take a break. Healthcare professionals spend unimaginable hours taking care of patients, so it’s important to take some of those hours and use them to care for yourself from time to time!
1. Enjoy Time in Between Assignments
Give yourself a vacation! Taking a small get-away in between your assignments is an awesome way to loosen up and take an adventure. Having the ability to pick and choose your work times is one of the biggest pluses of Travel Healthcare. Saving money is definitely recommended, but it is completely possible to travel on a budget! Reward yourself for your accomplishments- go to a nice restaurant, take a hike on a scenic trail, or buy yourself something nice!
2. Participate in a Sabbatical
Several travel clinicians prefer to take a sabbatical or go on a medical trip during their time off. This gives a great moment to assist others with foreign needs while traveling, and can have better opportunities in comparison to a traditional vacation. With the right budgeting, this is a great way to get involved with your work, outside of work!
3. Plan a Road Trip
Want to take an adventurous vacation, but don’t want to break the bank? Plan a road trip! The world is your oyster when road tripping; you can choose a destination as close or as far as you’d like. Need some ideas? National Parks and Conservations are the PERFECT places to stop and take in the nature of the US. Many different apps are available to amplify your road tripping experience.
4. Vacay From Home or Visit Family
Taking a vacation right in the comfort of your own home is just what you need! This can be a wonderful option if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of travel, and if you don’t want to break the bank. Use your vacation time to get things done around the house, start a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try, or just simply relax and catch up on sleep. That’s the beauty of it, you can do whatever you want! Using this downtime is also a great way to re-connect with friends or visit back home to your family.
5. The Reality of Having Time Off as a Travel Clinician
Sadly, travel clinicians don’t usually get paid when they have time off in between assignments. That’s why it is so crucial to plan and budget when you do have that free time. It’s important to think about housing costs, healthcare expenses, and when you will be starting your next assignment. You also have to think about other miscellaneous expenses, like pet care, groceries, and any activities you’d like to participate in. Budgeting is KEY!
It is so important to have an adequate game plan when taking time off in between travel assignments. Having the privilege of creating your own work schedule is a huge plus in the travel healthcare industry, but it is crucial to be able to make the time worth your while in between assignments!
APPLY for travel nursing jobs today to get started on your travel adventure!
SOURCE: https://blog.nursefly.com/inspire/taking-time-between-travel-nurse-assignments/