Caregiver Spotlights, Travel Nurse Spotlights, Travel Nursing Insights
Tell Us Your COVID-19 Story: Bianca
Name: Bianca
Specialty: CNA – Phlebotomist
Current Assignment: Vincennes, IN
DO NOT forget to take care of YOU! In order for us to function correctly and do our best to help our community and patients is continuing SELF CARE. As patients flow in and out, we have to stop and take a minute to breathe, eat, and sleep. This does feel impossible at times, but we must make time. Lift your patients up and your team… We all have “off” days. The way we choose to handle them will set the mood of our shift/day. Pray and stay positive- it may not be over soon, but WE GOT THIS! After all, we are ~Super Heroes~. There is nothing healthcare workers can’t handle.
Want to share your COVID-19 story with us? Click Here